Meal Type:
If you like sugar or shortbread cookies, you'll really like this fancy frosting-optional low carb recipe. It's fast and fun to make and so showy.
Kids of all ages love them too. No one will know these tasty cookies are low carb.
- Brenda
1/2 Cup Carb Counters™ Bakesquick™ - 1LB
1/4 Cup Sugar Not™Spoonful™Natural Sugar Replacement with Fiber
1/3 Cup Carb Counters™ Gluten Free Whip It Up™ Instant Dessert Maker
1 Stick (1/2 Cup) Unsalted butter (melted)
2 Tablespoons Cream
Preheat oven to 300°. Move oven rack to center position.
In medium size bowl, combine all ingredients and stir with fork. With cookie dropper, form balls and place 3" apart on un-greased cookie sheet. We use parchment, but its optional. With jar bottom (like a jelly jar), press each cookie down to approx. 2-1/2" wide.
sugar free shortbread cookie
Bake for 14-16 minutes. Cookie edges will just be golden brown. Cool completely and frost, if desired, with additional 1/4 cup Whip It Up™ mixed with 1 Tablespoon water to make a frosting. Brush frosting on cookies thinly and let dry for an hour or... To fast dry the frosting, place a fan on them for 15 -20 minutes.
For naturally colored frostings, replace the water as follows: Use strawberry or beet juice in place of water (for pink or red) and spinach or other green veggie juice in place of water (for green) or blueberry juice in place of water (for blue).
Store cookies at room temperature for a day, then keep them chilled. For maximum freshness freeze cookies, tightly sealed for up to 2 months. They defrost quickly and taste just like fresh made. Enjoy!
low carb shortbread cookie
Cooks Tip: You may or may not want to make these large size 3" cookies. If you want a smaller size cookie, simply, halve the size of the dough balls, press down to 1" wide and place 2" apart on cookie sheet. Bake for 10-12 minutes.
Makes 12 large cookies at 1-1/2 net carbs each or 24 smaller cookies at less than 1 net carb each.