Yep, this is a really great tasting "veggie" burger. The flavors are robust, and making it is a snap. Check out the protein vs carbo's in this one; try it and you will want to have it regularly, believe me.
15oz Black Soy Beans - 1 can, drained
1/4 cup Red or Orange Pepper
1/4 cup Onion - red, white or green
1/4 teaspoon Cayenne Pepper
1 tablespoon Egg (Not!)™-Low Fat-Low Carb
1 cup Beef (Not!)™ Ground (or Turkey (Not!)™ Ground – 1 pound bag)
1 tablespoon Beef (Not!)™/Chicken (Not!)™ Onion Flavored Broth
2 tablespoons Dried Cilantro
1/2 cup Hot Water
Combine peppers (both kinds), onion, water, cilantro, Egg (Not!)™ and broth in blender and mince for 30 seconds. Add beans and pulse for 30 seconds more, until fine. Add DDC Beef (Not!)®, stir to mix and shape into 4 round balls - flatten to form patties and microwave on plate coated with non stick cooking spray, for 3-4 minutes per patty or coat large skillet with non stick cooking spray, turn and cook for 3-4 minutes more. Great served with red onions.
Makes 4 burgers: 191 calories, 3.3g fat, 92mg sodium, 23g carbohydrates,12g fiber, 21.5 soy protein, 101.5mg isoflavones