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Low Carb Cheese Dip

Low Carb Cheese Dip

  • August 05, 2014
  • 0comments

Meal Type:


A great 1 carb chip deserves a super 1 carb dip!


1/2 cup - Finely Shredded Mexican Cheese (like Kraft 4 cheese blend)
1/4 cup - Heavy Whipping Cream
1/2 teaspoon - Louisiana Hot Sauce


Combine ingredients and melt in microwave for 1 minute (or until cheese bubbles around the edges). Stir and serve. Makes 2 servings (1/4 cup approx. serving size- only 1 carb).


Add defrosted and drained cocktail shrimp
Add 2 Tlb chopped, crisp bacon
Add 2 Tlb. salsa or picante

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