Meal Type: Dessert
1/2 cup Carb Counters™ Bakesquick™ - 1LB
1 cup Sugar Not™Spoonful™Natural Sugar Replacement with Fiber
2/3 cups Carb Counters™ Beanit Butter™ Powder
4 Eggs, separated **
6 tablespoons Oil
1/2 cup Water
Preheat oven to 350 °. Coat baking cups with non-stick coating spray, or use coated muffin tins.
In medium sized bowl, combine dry ingredients and stir . Separate the eggs, placing the egg whites in another medium sized bowl and adding the yokes to the dry ingredients. Add water and oil to the dry ingredients/egg yokes and whisk or stir well. Set aside. Whip egg whites 2 or 3 minutes, with electric mixer on high, until soft peaks form. Using the whisk or spoon, gently fold whites into egg yoke and dry ingredients mixture. Spoon into muffin cups or tins and bake for 20-22 minutes until muffins rise and are golden brown. Just 1 net carb per muffin. Enjoy!
*8 egg whites may be substituted for whole eggs