It's so easy to make low carb homemade Jams and fruit spreads. Plus you can enjoy them without preservatives, sugar alcohols or any other artificial ingredients. All you need is Sugar Not™Spoonful™ and Thick-it up™ to create your own wonderful all natural fruit spreads. Gluten free, too. Enjoy.
16oz - fresh or frozen berries (3 cups)
1 tablespoon - Lemon juice
1-1/2 cup Water
2/3 cups Sugar Not™Spoonful™Natural Sugar Replacement with Fiber
1 tablespoon Thick It Up™ Low Carb Thickener
In a saucepan, bring the berries and 1-1/2 cups water to a full boil on medium-high heat. Stir in the lemon juice and then whisk in the Spoonful™ sweetener. Whisk in the Thick-It-Up™and blend well. Fruit will begin to thicken and continue to thicken slightly more as it cools. For a "thinner" fruit spread consistency stir in more water, just a tablespoonful at a time. Remove from heat, cool and spoon into jars.. Makes 30 servings, (1 rounded Tlb) , less than 1 net carb each. Store in refrigerator. May be frozen for up to 3 months in non- glass containers.
*Sliced strawberries, whole raspberries, blueberries or blackberries or a combination of berry types may be used, if desired.
This recipe is for fresh made fruit spreads. if a deeper aged jam flavor is desired, add 1/4 cup additional water; after boiling, turn down heat, cover and slow simmer the fruit for 15 additional minutes, stirring occasionally, before adding the Thick-it-up™ to complete the process. Add more Spoonful™ sweetener if desired.
For other fruit flavors:
Keeping carbs in mind, decrease the sliced fruit, such as peaches, apricots, apples, cherries, oranges, etc. to 2 cups and increase the water to 2 cups. Boil for 3-4 minutes to intensify flavor. Add extra 1/2 teaspoon Thick it up or slightly more if needed. Combinations of fruits may be added to create desired flavors. and fruit flavorings or extracts may be also added.
Canned, water packed tart cherries may be used. Include the cherry water in the saucepan and add additional Thick it up™ to desired level of thickness...
Great for Toppings:
The fruit spreads make great toppings ... try them on cheesecakes and other carb controlled goodies like the Carb Counters™ breads, cakes and muffins.